West Chelsea Veterinary
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West Chelsea Veterinary
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At West Chelsea Veterinary, we love providing our clients with useful information about pet care. Check back frequently to see new posts containing useful pet information.
Understanding Excessive Paw Licking: Signs, Causes, and Care
Understanding Excessive Paw Licking: Signs, Causes, and Care As pet owners, we often notice our furry companions engaging in various grooming behaviors . From cleaning their fur to licking their paws, these activities are usually harmless and instinctual. However,...
Protecting Your Well-Being From Pet-Transmitted Diseases
Protecting Your Well-Being From Pet-Transmitted Diseases Are you aware of zoonotic diseases- sicknesses passed from pets to people- that are far more widespread than you think? Although pets may seem healthy, they can carry contagious conditions. Stay current on their...
Finding, Treating, and Avoiding Hot Spots in Pets
Finding, Treating, and Avoiding Hot Spots in Pets When your pet's skin is on fire from scratching, licking, and chewing, you may see a hot spot. You can help your beloved friend deal with the discomfort of these sores by learning more about them. Where exactly...
4 Ways to Prepare for the Passing of Your Pet
4 Ways to Get Ready for Your Pet's Death Even though losing a pet is never easy, getting ready for it can lessen your mental and emotional pain. Here are four suggestions to help you prepare for and grieve the eventual loss of your pet. #1: Evaluate the quality of...
Signs of Spring Allergies in Pets
Signs of Spring Allergies in Pets As the vibrant colors of spring emerge, so do the allergens that can affect humans and our furry friends. Like us, pets can experience seasonal allergies, and springtime is a common culprit. Understanding the signs of allergies in...
The Art of Canine Tooth Brushing: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Tutorial
The Art of Canine Tooth Brushing: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Tutorial Embarking on a tooth-brushing routine with your dog might seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can become a positive and enjoyable experience for both of you. In this step-by-step guide,...
January Pet Wellness: A Guide to Seasonal Hazards
January Pet Wellness: A Guide to Seasonal Hazards Fresh starts are brought about by the new year. Therefore, it's essential for us pet owners to be aware of any risks that could impact our animal friends in January. Understanding and avoiding seasonal hazards may help...
Pawsitive Presents: How to Choose Safe Toys and Gifts for Your Beloved Pets
Pawsitive Presents: How to Choose Safe Toys and Gifts for Your Beloved Pets Whether it's a holiday, a special occasion, or just because, spoiling your pets with toys and gifts is a delightful way to show your love; however, ensuring that the presents you choose are...
Safe Thanksgiving Foods for Your Pet’s Holiday Feast
Safe Thanksgiving Foods for Your Pet's Holiday Feast Thanksgiving is coming up, so include your dogs in the festivities and cook a nice feast for your loved ones. In this blog article, we'll walk you through some safe Thanksgiving recipes so your four-legged friend...
Prioritizing Pet Health: Understanding Obesity on National Pet Obesity Day
Prioritizing Pet Health: Understanding Obesity on National Pet Obesity Day The welfare of your beloved pet is your first concern as a responsible pet owner. Pets may experience health issues, such as obesity, just like humans do. As National Pet Obesity Day draws...